Siemens Playground

While I was doing a UX/UI Design Bootcamp at Ironhack Berlin, an invite from Siemens offered us to participate in an internal project that they were developing. Me and Gemma Benítez took the challenge of designing in two weeks an app for iPad, which kids from 4-8 years old could play at Siemens' offices while their parents are working. Also, with these games, parents should be able to explain to their children a little bit more about their job at the company.


The challenge

The main point in this project was to understand children's behavior and learn about UX/UI for kids, therefore we researched about Jean Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development and other articles, for example, from the Nielsen Norman Group. We also had the chance to test our prototype with kids, and what we realized, is that they understand better the tasks and give more consistent feedback if they play with a high fidelity prototype, that's why, for the second game test, we invested more time on the visual assets than in the first one. According to our research, we had also to create two different games for two different age ranges. 


Simens identity

To create the characters and design elements of the game, we used the brand style guide from Siemens, applying their colors and products in a way that could get close to the children's universe.


Smart City Game

The game for 6-8 years old children, is a canvas where users can explore their creativity designing their own city and at the same time learn about mobility. If the user doesn't put a traffic light on a crossroads, for example, the cars would create traffic jams. 


Shared Car Game

The game for 4-5 years old children, happens inside a self-driving shared electric car, where the user chooses the passengers that get into the vehicle and which features of the car are turned on or off. Depending on the combination of what he had chosen, he will see different reactions from the characters. At the end of the game, the kid has to recharge the car with a wind turbine before playing with it again.

